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Custom Booking Questions with Online Scheduling
Custom Booking Questions with Online Scheduling

Ask questions during the booking process of Online Scheduling

Jennifer Ann avatar
Written by Jennifer Ann
Updated over a week ago

17hats allows you to ask questions when using Online Scheduling. You may ask up to 10 questions during the booking process.

How it Works

Add questions to your Online Scheduling Service

1.) Navigate to Account Settings --> Online Scheduling to create a new Service or edit an existing Services, under the Services Tab

2.) Scroll down to the Service Questions section (it is just below the Time Frame section). Click the toggle next to "Enable questions" to begin adding questions.

3.) Click the "+ Add Question button" on the right to add your questions. There are seven options:

Please Note: Text sections do count towards the 10-question maximum.

You may choose to make answering a question required or optional. To require clients to answer a question before they finalize the booking, select the "This is a required question" checkbox when creating the question.

Pro-Tip: You may "map" answers to the questions to locations on Contact records or on a Project. Read more about mapping here.

4.) After adding your questions and other details to the Online Scheduling Service, save your Service.

Additional Details

Booking Process

Questions are asked after selecting a date and time but before your client's contact information is added.

Please Note: Name, email address, and phone number are already included by default during the booking process, so there is no need to ask those questions.

If you have an Availability Schedule with multiple Services, your client will first choose their Service, select the date and time, then answer the booking questions specific to the Service they are booking. The questions tab won't appear until the Service has been selected.

Answers to Questions

The answers to questions will appear in a few places in 17hats:

  • On the Bookings overview tab of 17hats, when you open a booking to review the details, the questions you ask and the answers provided will appear below your Client contact details.

  • On the Project page, under the booking tab, the questions and their answers will appear under the booking.

  • If you map answers to questions to Contact or Project details, they will appear where you've mapped them.

Please Note: If you turn 17hats Online Scheduling off for your Account, you will no longer have access to the Bookings tab or section of a Project, so only mapped answers will be visible. When you turn 17hats Online Scheduling back on, those sections will again appear, and answers will be visible.

Project Dates and Times

When using Online Scheduling, you can have a Booking automatically update your Project Date and Time. If you choose to do so, that will supersede any questions that map an answer to the Project Date.

Project Names

If a new Project is created by Online Scheduling, 17hats defaults to using the Online Scheduling Service name as the Project Name.

If you "map" the answer to a question to "Project Name," the mapped answer will become the Project Name.

Rescheduling Bookings

If you or a client reschedule a booking using the "reschedule" or "manage booking" buttons, your client will not need to answer questions a second time. The answers to questions will be populated under the questions tab when rescheduling.

Please Note: if an answer is changed when rescheduling, there will be no record of the previous answer. Only the new answer will show under booking details or through mapping.

How would I use this feature?

Ask questions during your Online Scheduling booking process to further qualify leads. You can also collect additional information to personalize the Service you are providing. If the Service being booked allows for options, your clients can select those options and map the answers to Project Custom Fields.

Asking custom questions during the booking process for Online Scheduling allows for increased personalization and a better client experience.


Q: May I have different sets of questions for different Services?

A: Yes, questions are per Service. Each Service will have its own set.

Q: May I duplicate questions between Services?

A: No, copying questions between Services isn't available.

Q: If I ask a question and map the answer, will the answer appear on Questionnaires that also ask that question?

A: Yes, once an answer has been mapped from a Lead Capture Form, Questionnaire, or Online Scheduling Service, it will appear as a pre-populated answer in other locations.

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