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Complete List of Tokens
Jack Donahue avatar
Written by Jack Donahue
Updated over a week ago

A token is a placeholder that allows information to be autofilled into an email or contract. They can be easily added from the Insert Token dropdown menu on the editor bar: 

There are three main types of tokens: General Tokens, Document Tokens, and Online Scheduling Tokens. If you have created a custom field for either your contact profile or project, these will create new contact and project tokens that can be used later on.

For a token to autofill correctly, you must have the data saved within your 17hats account, the contacts project, or the contacts profile. 

To use tokens in a subject, you must copy and paste the italicized token. For example:
Subject: Thank you for booking [% %].

General Tokens 

Contact tokens (contains the personal information listed in your contact/leads Contact section)
First name: [% contact.first_name %]
Last name: [% contact.last_name %]
Full name: [% %]
Company name: [% contact.company_name %]
Address: [% contact.address.as_string %]
Email address: [% contact.primary_email_address %]
Phone number: [% contact.primary_phone_number %]

Project tokens (contains specific Project-Related information)
Project name: [% %]
Project location: [% project.main_event.location_string %]
Project date: [% project.main_event.formatted_token_date('start') %]
Project start time: [% project.main_event.formatted_time('start') %]
Project end time: [% project.main_event.formatted_time('end') %]

ShootProof Gallery: [% dynamic.shootproof_links %]

Account tokens (contains personal information from your Account Settings)
First name: [% accountinfo.first_name %]
Last name: [% accountinfo.last_name %]
Full name: [% %]
Company name: [% accountinfo.company_name %]
Address: [% accountinfo.address.as_string %]
Email address: [% accountinfo.primary_email_address %]
Phone number: [% accountinfo.primary_phone_number %]
Website: [% %]

Client Portal tokens (contains information specific to the Client Portal for the client)
Client Portal URL: [% project.client.portal_url %]
Client Portal Password:  [% %]
if: PIN protected (not available for subjects)

Document Tokens

Invoice tokens (can be used in Invoice E-mail types)
Invoice number: [% invoice.invoice_number %]
Total amount: [% invoice.formatted_token_currency('total_amount') %]
Outstanding amount: [% invoice.formatted_token_currency('amount_due') %]
Due date: [% invoice.formatted_token_date('due_date') %]
Public link: [% %]

Next payment amount (automatic payments): [% invoice.formatted_next_due_amount %]

Next payment due date (automatic payments): [% invoice.formatted_next_due_date %]

Contract tokens (can be used in Contract E-mail types)
Name: [% %]
Due date: [% contract.formatted_token_date('due_at') %]
Create date: [% contract.formatted_token_date('created_at') %]

Questionnaire tokens (can be used in Questionnaire E-mail types)
Name: [% %]
Due date: [% %]

Online Scheduling Tokens

Service tokens
Service name: [% %]
Location name: [% %]
Location Address: [% booking.scheduled_service.location.location %]
Booking date: [% booking.calendar_event.formatted_token_date('start') %]
Booking start time: [% booking.calendar_event.formatted_time('start') %]
Booking end time: [% booking.calendar_event.formatted_time('end') %]
Service duration: [% booking.scheduled_service.duration %]

Using Manual Tokens In The 17hats Editor

What will these tokens look like in the editor? When you type them out, they'll look like this:

17hats will detect and replace the [%%], and everything in between them, with the token data after you click "Send" and before the email actually goes out. For example, in the case of the Shootproof Gallery token, in the actual email you'll see the Name of the gallery as a link:

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