Quote Options

Learn more about the header options within a Quote

Amanda Rae avatar
Written by Amanda Rae
Updated over a week ago

Quotes allow your contacts to verify what they'd like to purchase with you prior to making a payment on an invoice. They're a great way to up-sell additional products or services you provide. 

You can create a quote directly within a project, or on the Documents & Emails template page. By saving a quote template, you can then reuse it for any contact, or add it to a workflow. 

To learn more about creating a quote, please click the button below

Once you begin creating your Quote, you will need to set some general options for the document shown below. 

This is the internal title you can give your document. We recommend naming your quote using the service or package the quote is for and potentially the date. For example, you could name a quote 2019 - Spa Packages.

Display Title
You can add any title you'd like your customer to view. This helps them see what the quote is for before looking at any of the line items. If you leave this blank, the word "quote" along with the amount of the quote will be displayed on the contact's preview. 

This option will allow you to apply the appropriate tax rate that will apply to any line item marked as taxable. You can later change which products/services are taxable and at each rate within the individual line items.

Discounts can be applied as either a fixed dollar amount or as a percentage of the total invoice balance. If you want to discount only one item, you will either need to manually lower the price, or add a negative line item. 

You can include a contract with your quote that can be signed digitally. If selected, you'll be able to include a contract template, or build a contract from scratch. Once you save the quote, the contract will appear in a secondary tab on the quote itself. Your customer will be able to view the contract, but not sign it until the quote is accepted. 

This setting allows you to include an invoice with the quote. It will automatically display the invoice once your customer accepts the quote. Or, if you have also included a contract, the invoice will appear once both the quote and the contract have been accepted or signed. 

Payment Schedule
You can include a payment schedule that gives breaks the total of the invoice into smaller payments. To enable this option, you'll first need to add in your line item(s). For more information on how you can set up a Payment Schedule, click the button below. 

Other questions? Reach out to our Business Support Team via Live Chat Monday through Friday 7am-4pm PST. 

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