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FAQ During COVID-19

​Below you will find the solution to frequently asked questions due to the need to rearrange Projects and Contacts in 17hats.

Amanda Rae avatar
Written by Amanda Rae
Updated over 4 years ago

As we journey through the COVID-19 pandemic, our members find themselves needing to use the 17hats platform in ways that they have never used it before. As questions arise, we will continually update this article so that we can quickly and efficiently help.

Canceled Service

Q: A contact/client canceled their service. How do I handle this in 17hats?

A: Archiving the Project will remove the date off your calendar and leave all your Project Notes and Documents intact. I would recommend adding a Tag to the Project which will allow you to send an email later to re-engage.

Stopping Workflows

Q: I have decided to postpone my booked projects. I have not set new dates as we are playing it by ear. How do I handle this since I don't want my Workflows to continue?

A: There are a few options here:

Just a few projects:
1) Go into each Project's Workflow and delete the Workflow
2) Edit each Project's Workflow by adding a Pause item into the Workflow. The Pause will keep the next Workflow item from triggering. 

Many Projects:
I would suggest bulk Tagging the Projects (Postpone), and then Bulk Archive. This is a quick solution to stopping all Workflows/emails sending. 

After you Archive, go in and delete the Workflow, because when you Unarchive later, the Workflow will activate again. Then, when you set your new date, search by Tag under Archived Projects, unarchive, change the date and add your new Workflow.

Invoice Due Date/Invoice Reminders

Q: The event has been postponed, how do I handle past due reminders for Invoices?

Invoice will not automatically adjust to the new dues date if the project date is changed. Reason – some might want to keep it as is while other want to change it.

The solution is to edit the invoice and change the due date to the date you desire. If you have not set a new project date, choose an invoice due date that is 6 months out, and tag the project "open invoice" so that you can easily pull all those projects later and adjust.

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