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Learn how to use Lifecycles and add them to projects.

Amanda Rae avatar
Written by Amanda Rae
Updated over 2 years ago

Please Note: Lifecycles are not available in Free CRM, Essentials (Level One), Standard (Level Two), and Premier (Level Three) plans. This article is only applicable to members on Founding Member plans, which are no longer offered.

Welcome to Project Lifecycles!

What is a Lifecycle?
A lifecycle is a tool used to show your projects status at any given point in their "life" with you!

The "status bar" is visible on the Project Tab, the Lead Tab and on the Project page itself, allowing for a quick view of where each project lies in their lifecycle.

Lifecycles can be found under Account Settings > Lifecycles

  1. When creating a new lifecycle (or using the "starter lifecycle"), the first step will be to name it accordingly.  

  2. Next, you will determine when you would like your Leads archived for you.  Please note that this determines when your lead contact profile AND their project will be archived after your specific predetermined set amount of inactivity.  This setting only archives leads and not other contact types.  This will keep your leads page current and up-to-date with only true, hot leads.  

  3. By default, your starter lifecycle will include multiple stages. You may edit this by adding or deleting stages (as well as renaming).  Lastly, you will decide when you want the last stage of this process to be considered complete.  When you are ready, save your lifecycle.  

Lifecycle Stage Options

  • Name: Choose to name the stage of this step of the lifecycle (Ie: New Lead, Booking, Meeting)

  • Will Start: Choose when this stage will start (use a trigger such as when a contract is sent, or an invoice is paid)

  • Change Calendar: Choose to change a project date to move from your Lead Calendar to your Booked calendar for example (Based on the trigger you entered above)

  • Reminder: Where do you want your reminder to appear?

  • Remind every: When do you want to be reminded that your lead/contact is on this stage?

Adding your Lifecycle to Projects:

To add a lifecycle to your project, navigate to the project in question, and select "Edit", "Add Lifecycle".  Select the lifecycle you would like to add to your project.  You should then see the lifecycle displayed at the top of the project:

Your Project will move through the lifecycle stages automatically but if you wish to manually make an update, click on the stage and set it as "Complete":

At a glance, you can now see which stage different projects are at on your projects tab:

*Lifecycles are not available with all plans.

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