With ShootProof integration, each new order for an existing contact should create a new project, (with the name of the gallery as the project name). ย
Here is a breakdown of how ShootProof and 17hats integrate:
The ShootProof integration is centered around galleries.
They call them "Events" in their API, which may have guided our decision to map them directly into our projects.
ShootProof orders directly map quite naturally to our invoices, which further strengthens the idea to map a gallery to a project.
ShootProof galleries can have a client, which also maps quite naturally to our contacts.
Within ShootProof, the client placing an order doesn't even get its own resource in their API; it's just a part of the order data structure.
This guided us to map them to either a full-blown contact (when the ShootProof event doesn't have a client object), or to a related contact of an already imported gallery/project.
*This feature may not be available in all plan types.
Keyword Search - ShootProof, Galleries, Contacts