17hats allows you to track Lead Sources automatically inside the platform. You can track up to 25 Lead Sources by date automatically using Lead Capture Forms or Online Scheduling.
What is a Lead Source?
Lead Sources are the places your Leads hear about you. Common Lead Sources might be:
A directory platform like TheKnot.com, Fiverr, Gigsalad, or Noomii
Friends or Family
You get to choose and customize which Lead Sources you want to track because every business markets differently.
What is Lead Source Reporting?
Lead Source Reporting allows you to add up to 25 Lead Sources and track them by date. A bar chart gives you a quick visualization of which Lead Sources are bringing you the most Leads.
The detail report underneath the bar chart lists the names of your Leads, whether they have become Clients, and Income associated with the Leads.
Why do I want to use Lead Source Reporting?
Tracking your Lead Sources helps you know how your marketing is working. When you see that a source is generating lots of leads for your business, you can focus more time and energy marketing with that source.
How does Lead Source Reporting work in 17hats?
Adding your Lead Sources to 17hats
Navigate to the Leads --> Reporting tab in 17hats. Start by adding your first Lead Source.
Then, you may add up to 25 total Lead Sources.
On the Reporting tab, Lead Sources will be automatically sorted alphabetically.
There are three categories of Lead Sources:
Active: These are Lead Sources you are actively using to generate leads.
They will appear on Lead Source questions on Lead Capture Forms/Online Scheduling.
They will appear on charts in Lead Source Reporting.Inactive: These are Lead Sources you are not actively using to generate leads, but that you still want to see on reports.
They will NOT appear on Lead Source questions on Lead Capture Forms/Online Scheduling.
They will appear on charts in Lead Source Reporting.Archived: These are Lead Sources you are not actively using to generate leads and that you do not want to see included on reports.
They will NOT appear on Lead Source questions on Lead Capture Forms/Online Scheduling.
They will NOT appear on charts in Lead Source Reporting.
Please Note: Once a Source has been added, it can be edited but it cannot be deleted.
Tracking Lead Sources in 17hats
Once you have added Lead Sources, you can begin tracking them.
Lead Sources are a Project Field.
If one Contact has two different Projects, each Project may have a different Lead Source.
Here is an example of when that would be useful:
βA photographer has a client who previously booked a Family Session after finding the photographer's website on Google. The Lead Source for that Family Session Project is Google.
The same photographer promotes a special Back-to-School session on Instagram. The client sees the shoot advertised on Instagram and books. The Lead Source for that Back-to-School Project is Instagram.
Three ways to add Lead Sources to Projects:
1.) Manually adding Lead Sources to Projects.
To manually add a Lead Source to a Project, access a Project and click "edit" in the top right corner. Choose "edit Project" in the dropdown.
You will see all of your Lead Source options (Active, Inactive, Archived) in a dropdown under "Lead Source." Choose the Lead Source and it will automatically be tracked under Leads --> Reporting.
Please Note: Lead Source dates are based on the date the Project was created. If you manually add a Lead Source to a Project that was created in January 2023, you will need to change the date range under Reporting to include January 2023.
Click on one of the Lead Sources to view a list of the Contacts and Projects associated with the Lead Source.
You can click on any of the Contact or Project names to be taken to the Project.
2.) Lead Sources added automatically with a Lead Capture Form.
By asking a Lead Source question on a Lead Capture Form, the Lead Source will be automatically added to the Project created by the Lead Capture Form and tracked under reporting.
Read more about Lead Source Reporting with Lead Capture Forms here.
3.) Lead Sources added automatically with Online Scheduling.
By asking a Lead Source question through Online Scheduling, the Lead Source will be automatically added to the Project created or updated by the Online Scheduling Booking and tracked under reporting.
Read more about Lead Source Reporting with Online Scheduling here.
Lead Sources vs. Referral List
Person Referred By is a Contact Field many Members use to track personal referrals. Person Referred By is different than Lead Source in a few different ways:
Lead Source is a Project Field.
Person Referred By is a Contact Field.
Lead Source questions are a dropdown menu, your leads by select from the list of options you have created.
Person Referred By is a short text question/field, you or your leads can type anything in that section rather than selecting from a list.
When a Lead Source is added to a Project, if the Person Referred By Contact Field is empty, 17hats will automatically add the Lead Source to the Person Referred By field.
If the Person Referred By Contact Field has existing data, 17hats will not change that data when a Lead Source is added to a Project. Lead Source will not overwrite the information in the Person Referred By field.
Income Reporting for Lead Sources
Lead Source Reporting tracks payments made on 17hats Invoices for Projects that have a Lead Source.
You will see the total value of all payments made during the time frame the Lead Source Report is showing. Click on any Lead Source to see that Income information.
Orange or Blue Contacts are Leads, and Green Contacts are Clients.
Q: How many sources may I have?
A: You may have up to 25 sources total (Active, Inactive, Archived)
Q: I manually added a Lead Source to an existing Project but don't see it in the Reporting, why not?
A: Check to make sure the timeframe of the Reporting includes the date the Project was created. Lead Source Reporting is based on Project Creation date, not that date you added the source to the Project.
Q: I have a typo in a Lead Source, what do I do?
A: You can edit the Lead Source with the pencil icon to the right of the Lead Source.
Q: Can I delete a Lead Source?
A: No, you cannot delete a Lead Source.
Q: Can I change the order of Lead Sources on the Reporting page?
A: No, they will always be alphabetical on the Reporting page.
Q: Is Lead Source Reporting available on all levels of 17hats?
A: Lead Source Reporting is available on the Standard and Premier Levels of 17hats.
Q: Why isn't a Lead Source isn't showing the full dollar amount of all payments made on the Invoice?
A: The Income displayed on Lead Source Reporting shows payments made during the time frame of the Lead Source Report. So if you are looking at Leads created between January 1 and December 31, 2022, payments made in February 2023 won't display until the date range includes February 2023.